Errata overview
Errata ID 149
Date 2014-07-14
Source package univention-management-console-frontend
Fixed in version 3.0.152-38.837.201407090845
This update fixes the following issues:
* The UMC grid can now allow the execution of an action even though 
  some of the selected items are not executable with regard to the 
* A function has been added to reload the modules of the overview 
  tab on the fly.
* A default link to UMC has been added on the UCS overview page for 
  unjoined systems
* When installing a new system which is neither a master domain controller 
  master nor a backup domain controller backup, the UMC entry in the 
  UCS overview page will no longer consider the UMC a domain 
  administration tool, as the domain modules are only available on 
  master and backup systems.
* A timeout problem in the UMC web server has been fixed.
Additional notes
UCS Bug number #34965