Source code for univention.udm.binary_props

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018-2022 Univention GmbH
# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
# (GNU AGPL V3) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# Binary versions of this program provided by Univention to you as
# well as other copyrighted, protected or trademarked materials like
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# cryptographic keys etc. are subject to a license agreement between
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# This program is provided in the hope that it will be useful,
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Classes for holding binary UDM  object properties.

from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
import bz2
import base64
import codecs
from collections import namedtuple

import magic
from six import string_types, BytesIO

FileType = namedtuple('namedtuple', ['mime_type', 'encoding', 'text'])

[docs]def get_file_type(filename_or_file): """ Get mime_type and encoding of file `filename_or_file`. Handles both magic libraries. :param filename_or_file: filename or open file :type filename_or_file: str or file :return: mime_type and encoding of `filename_or_file` :rtype: FileType """ if hasattr(filename_or_file, 'seek'): old_pos = filename_or_file.tell() txt = elif isinstance(filename_or_file, string_types): with open(filename_or_file, 'rb') as fp: txt = else: raise ValueError('Argument "filename_or_file" has unknown type {!r}.'.format(type(filename_or_file))) if hasattr(magic, 'from_file'): mime = magic.Magic(mime=True, mime_encoding=True).from_buffer(txt) mime_type, charset = mime.split(';') encoding = charset.split('=')[-1] text = magic.Magic().from_buffer(txt) elif hasattr(magic, 'detect_from_filename'): fm = magic.detect_from_content(txt) mime_type = fm.mime_type encoding = fm.encoding text = else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown version or type of "magic" library.') # auto detect utf-8 with BOM if encoding == 'utf-8' and txt.startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF8): encoding = 'utf-8-sig' return FileType(mime_type, encoding, text)
[docs]class BaseBinaryProperty(object): """ Container for a binary UDM property. Data can be set and retrieved in both its raw form or encoded for LDAP. Internally data is held in the encoded state (the form in which it will be saved to LDAP). """ def __init__(self, name, encoded_value=None, raw_value=None): assert not (encoded_value and raw_value), 'Only one of "encoded_value" and "raw_value" must be set.' assert (encoded_value or raw_value), 'One of "encoded_value" or "raw_value" must be set.' self._name = name self._value = None if encoded_value: self.encoded = encoded_value elif raw_value: self.raw = raw_value def __repr__(self): return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._name) @property def encoded(self): return self._value @encoded.setter def encoded(self, value): self._value = value @property def raw(self): raise NotImplementedError() @raw.setter def raw(self, value): raise NotImplementedError() @property def content_type(self): return get_file_type(BytesIO(self.raw))
[docs]class Base64BinaryProperty(BaseBinaryProperty): """ Container for a binary UDM property encoded using base64. obj.props.<prop>.encoded == base64.b64encode(obj.props.<prop>.decoded) >>> binprop = Base64BinaryProperty('example', raw_value=b'raw value') >>> Base64BinaryProperty('example', encoded_value=binprop.encoded).raw == b'raw value' True >>> import base64 >>> binprop.encoded == base64.b64encode(binprop.raw) True """ @property def raw(self): return base64.b64decode(self._value) @raw.setter def raw(self, value): self._value = base64.b64encode(value)
[docs]class Base64Bzip2BinaryProperty(BaseBinaryProperty): """ Container for a binary UDM property encoded using base64 after using bzip2. obj.props.<prop>.encoded == base64.b64encode(obj.props.<prop>.decoded) >>> binprop = Base64Bzip2BinaryProperty('example', raw_value=b'raw value') >>> Base64Bzip2BinaryProperty('example', encoded_value=binprop.encoded).raw == b'raw value' True >>> import bz2, base64 >>> binprop.encoded == base64.b64encode(bz2.compress(binprop.raw)) True """ @property def raw(self): return bz2.decompress(base64.b64decode(self._value)) @raw.setter def raw(self, value): self._value = base64.b64encode(bz2.compress(value))