Source code for univention.testing.selenium.base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Selenium Tests
# Copyright 2013-2022 Univention GmbH
# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
# (GNU AGPL V3) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# Binary versions of this program provided by Univention to you as
# well as other copyrighted, protected or trademarked materials like
# Logos, graphics, fonts, specific documentations and configurations,
# cryptographic keys etc. are subject to a license agreement between
# you and Univention and not subject to the GNU AGPL V3.
# In the case you use this program under the terms of the GNU AGPL V3,
# the program is provided in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
# License with the Debian GNU/Linux or Univention distribution in file
# /usr/share/common-licenses/AGPL-3; if not, see
# <>.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import datetime
import json
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import time
from types import TracebackType  # noqa: F401
from typing import Optional, Type  # noqa: F401

import selenium.common.exceptions as selenium_exceptions
from PIL import Image
from selenium import webdriver
from import expected_conditions

import univention.testing.ucr as ucr_test
import univention.testing.utils as utils
from univention.admin import localization
from univention.config_registry import handler_set
from univention.testing.selenium.checks_and_waits import ChecksAndWaits
from univention.testing.selenium.interactions import Interactions
from univention.testing.selenium.utils import expand_path

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

translator = localization.translation('ucs-test-framework')
_ = translator.translate

[docs]class UMCSeleniumTest(ChecksAndWaits, Interactions): """ This class provides selenium test for web UI tests. Default browser is Firefox. Set local variable UCSTEST_SELENIUM_BROWSER to 'chrome' or 'ie' to switch browser. Tests run on selenium grid server. To run tests locally use local variable UCSTEST_SELENIUM=local. Root privileges are required, also root needs the privilege to display the browser. """ BROWSERS = { 'ie': 'internet explorer', 'firefox': 'firefox', 'chrome': 'chrome', 'chromium': 'chrome', 'ff': 'firefox', } def __init__(self, language='en', host="", suppress_notifications=True): # type: (str, str, bool) -> None self._ucr = ucr_test.UCSTestConfigRegistry() self._ucr.load() self.browser = self.BROWSERS[os.environ.get('UCSTEST_SELENIUM_BROWSER', 'firefox')] self.selenium_grid = os.environ.get('UCSTEST_SELENIUM') != 'local' self.language = language self.base_url = 'https://%s/' % (host or '%(hostname)s.%(domainname)s' % self._ucr) self.screenshot_path = os.path.abspath('selenium/') self.suppress_notifications = suppress_notifications translator.set_language(self.language) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) def __enter__(self): # type: () -> UMCSeleniumTest self.restart_umc() self._ucr.__enter__() if self.selenium_grid: self.driver = webdriver.Remote( command_executor=os.environ.get('SELENIUM_HUB', ''), desired_capabilities={ 'browserName': self.browser }) else: if self.browser == 'chrome': chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() chrome_options.add_argument('--no-sandbox') # chrome complains about being executed as root chrome_options.add_argument('ignore-certificate-errors') self.driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=chrome_options) else: self.driver = webdriver.Firefox() self.ldap_base = self._ucr.get('ldap/base') if self.suppress_notifications: handler_set(['umc/web/hooks/suppress_notifications=suppress_notifications']) self.account = utils.UCSTestDomainAdminCredentials() self.umcLoginUsername = self.account.username self.umcLoginPassword = self.account.bindpw if not os.path.exists(self.screenshot_path): os.makedirs(self.screenshot_path) self.driver.get(self.base_url + 'univention/login/?lang=%s' % (self.language,)) # FIXME: Workaround for Bug #44718. try: self.driver.execute_script('document.cookie = "UMCLang=%s; path=/univention/"' % (self.language,)) except selenium_exceptions.WebDriverException as exc: logger.warn('Setting language cookie failed: %s' % (exc,)) self.set_viewport_size(1200, 800) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): # type: (Optional[Type[BaseException]], Optional[BaseException], Optional[TracebackType]) -> None try: if exc_type: logger.error('Exception: %s %s' % (exc_type, exc_value)) self.save_screenshot(hide_notifications=False, append_timestamp=True) self.save_browser_log() self.driver.quit() finally: self._ucr.__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
[docs] def restart_umc(self): # type: () -> None['systemctl', 'restart', 'univention-management-console-server'], close_fds=True)
[docs] def set_viewport_size(self, width, height): # type: (int, int) -> None self.driver.set_window_size(width, height) measured = self.driver.execute_script("return {width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight};") width_delta = width - measured['width'] height_delta = height - measured['height'] self.driver.set_window_size(width + width_delta, height + height_delta)
[docs] def save_screenshot(self, name='error', hide_notifications=True, xpath='/html/body', append_timestamp=False): # type: (str, bool, str, bool) -> None # FIXME: This is needed, because sometimes it takes some time until # some texts are really visible (even if elem.is_displayed() is already # true). time.sleep(2) if hide_notifications: self.show_notifications(False) self.open_traceback() timestamp = '' if append_timestamp: timestamp = '_%s' % ("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"),) filename = '%s/%s_%s%s.png' % (self.screenshot_path, name, self.language, timestamp) logger.warning('Saving screenshot %r', filename) if os.environ.get('JENKINS_WS'): logger.warning('Screenshot URL: %sws/test/selenium/selenium/%s' % (os.environ['JENKINS_WS'], os.path.basename(filename))) self.driver.save_screenshot(filename) screenshot = self.crop_screenshot_to_element(filename, xpath) if hide_notifications: try: self.show_notifications(True) except selenium_exceptions.TimeoutException: pass
[docs] def open_traceback(self): # type: () -> None try: self.wait_for_text(_('Show server error message'), timeout=1) self.click_text(_('Show server error message')) except selenium_exceptions.TimeoutException: pass
[docs] def crop_screenshot_to_element(self, image_filename, xpath): # type: (str, str) -> Image elem = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath(xpath) location = elem.location size = elem.size top, left = int(location['y']), int(location['x']) bottom, right = int(location['y'] + size['height']), int(location['x'] + size['width']) screenshot = return screenshot.crop((left, top, right, bottom))
[docs] def save_browser_log(self, name='error', append_timestamp=True): # type: (str, bool) -> None timestamp = '' if append_timestamp: timestamp = '_%s' % ("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"),) filename = '%s/%s_%s_browserlog%s.txt' % (self.screenshot_path, name, self.language, timestamp)'Saving browser log %r', filename) if os.environ.get('JENKINS_WS'):'Browser Log URL: %sws/test/selenium/selenium/%s' % (os.environ['JENKINS_WS'], os.path.basename(filename))) with open(filename, 'w') as f: for entry in self.driver.get_log('browser'): f.write('%s\n' % (json.dumps(entry),))
[docs] def show_notifications(self, show_notifications=True): # type: (bool) -> None if show_notifications: if not self.notifications_visible(): self.press_notifications_button() else: if self.notifications_visible(): self.press_notifications_button()
[docs] def notifications_visible(self): # type: () -> bool return not self.elements_invisible('//*[contains(concat(" ", normalize-space(@class), " "), " umcNotificationDropDownButtonOpened ")]')
[docs] def press_notifications_button(self): # type: () -> None self.click_element('//*[contains(concat(" ", normalize-space(@class), " "), " umcNotificationDropDownButton ")]') # Wait for the animation to run. time.sleep(1)
[docs] def do_login(self, username=None, password=None, without_navigation=False, language=None, check_successful_login=True): # type: (Optional[str], Optional[str], bool, Optional[str], bool) -> None if username is None: username = self.umcLoginUsername if password is None: password = self.umcLoginPassword # FIXME: selenium.common.exceptions.InvalidCookieDomainException: Message: invalid cookie domain # for year in set([2020,, + 1, - 1]): # self.driver.add_cookie({'name': 'hideSummit%sDialog' % (year,), 'value': 'true'}) # self.driver.add_cookie({'name': 'hideSummit%sNotification' % (year,), 'value': 'true'}) if not without_navigation: self.driver.get(self.base_url + 'univention/login/?lang=%s' % (self.language if not language else language,)) self.wait_until( expected_conditions.presence_of_element_located( (, "umcLoginUsername") ) ) self.enter_input('username', username) self.enter_input('password', password) self.submit_input('password') # for testing 'change password on next login' # don't check for available modules etc. if not check_successful_login: return self.wait_for_any_text_in_list([ _('Users'), _('Devices'), _('Domain'), _('System'), _('Software'), _('Installed Applications'), _('no module available') ]) try: self.wait_for_text(_('no module available'), timeout=1) self.click_button(_('Ok')) self.wait_until_all_dialogues_closed() except selenium_exceptions.TimeoutException: pass self.show_notifications(False)'Successful login')
[docs] def end_umc_session(self): # type: () -> None """ Log out the logged in user. """ self.driver.get(self.base_url + 'univention/logout')
[docs] def open_module(self, name, wait_for_standby=True, do_reload=True): # type: (str, bool, bool) -> None self.search_module(name, do_reload) self.click_tile(name) if wait_for_standby: self.wait_until_standby_animation_appears_and_disappears() if name == 'System diagnostic': self.wait_until_progress_bar_finishes()
[docs] def search_module(self, name, do_reload=True): # type: (str, bool) -> None if do_reload: self.driver.get(self.base_url + 'univention/management/?lang=%s' % (self.language,)) input_field = self.wait_for_element_by_css_selector('.umcModuleSearch input.dijitInputInner') if not input_field.is_displayed(): self.click_element(expand_path('//*[@containsClass="umcModuleSearchToggleButton"]')) limit = 60 while limit > 0: try: input_field.clear() break except selenium_exceptions.ElementNotInteractableException: if limit > 1:"Item was not interactable, retrying after one second") time.sleep(1) limit -= 1 else:"Item was not interactable after 60 seconds.") raise input_field.send_keys(name) self.wait_for_text(_('Search query'))
# def check_checkbox_by_name(self, inputname, checked=True): # """ # This method finds html input tags by name attribute and selects and returns first element with location on screen (visible region). # """ # elems = self.driver.find_elements_by_name(inputname) # elem = self.find_visible_element_from_list(elems) # if not elem: # elem = self.find_visible_checkbox_from_list(elems) # # workaround for selenium grid firefox the 'disabled' checkbox needs to be clicked three times to be selected # for i in range(0, 3): # if elem.is_selected() is not checked: # # return elem # def check_wizard_checkbox_by_name(self, inputname, checked=True): # elem = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[starts-with(@id,'umc_modules_udm_wizards_')]//input[@name= %s ]" % json.dumps(inputname)) # for i in range(0, 3): # if elem.is_selected() is not checked: # # return elem # def find_combobox_by_name(self, inputname): # return self.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//input[@name = %s]/parent::div/input[starts-with(@id,'umc_widgets_ComboBox')]" % json.dumps(inputname)) # @staticmethod # def find_visible_element_from_list(elements): # """ # returns first visible element from list # """ # for elem in elements: # if elem.is_displayed(): # return elem # return None # @staticmethod # def find_visible_checkbox_from_list(elements): # for elem in elements: # if elem.location['x'] > 0 or elem.location['y'] > 0 and elem.get_attribute("type") == "checkbox" and "dijitCheckBoxInput" in elem.get_attribute("class"): # return elem # return None # def find_error_symbol_for_inputfield(self, inputfield): #'check error symbol', inputfield) # elems = self.driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//input[@name= %s ]/parent::div/parent::div/div[contains(@class,'dijitValidationContainer')]" % json.dumps(inputfield)) # elem = self.find_visible_element_from_list(elems) # if elem: # return True # return False # def error_symbol_displayed(self, inputfield, displayed=True): # if displayed: # if not self.find_error_symbol_for_inputfield(inputfield): # logger.error('Missing error symbol', inputfield) # raise ValueError() # else: # if self.find_error_symbol_for_inputfield(inputfield): # logger.error('Error symbol %r should not be displayed.', inputfield) # raise ValueError() # def select_table_item_by_name(self, itemname): # elem = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[contains(text(), %s )]/parent::td" % json.dumps(itemname)) # #TODO if not elem search itemname #