Source code for univention.lib.ucs

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
|UCS| release version.
# Copyright 2008-2022 Univention GmbH
# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
# (GNU AGPL V3) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# Binary versions of this program provided by Univention to you as
# well as other copyrighted, protected or trademarked materials like
# Logos, graphics, fonts, specific documentations and configurations,
# cryptographic keys etc. are subject to a license agreement between
# you and Univention and not subject to the GNU AGPL V3.
# In the case you use this program under the terms of the GNU AGPL V3,
# the program is provided in the hope that it will be useful,
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
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# /usr/share/common-licenses/AGPL-3; if not, see
# <>.

import re
import six
from typing import List, Tuple, Union  # noqa: F401

[docs]class UCS_Version(object): """ Version object consisting of major-, minor-number and patch-level """ FORMAT = '%(major)d.%(minor)d' FULLFORMAT = '%(major)d.%(minor)d-%(patchlevel)d' # regular expression matching a UCS version X.Y-Z _regexp = re.compile(r'(?P<major>[0-9]+)\.(?P<minor>[0-9]+)-(?P<patch>[0-9]+)') _format = re.compile(r'%([%afimp])') def __init__(self, version): # type: (Union[Tuple[int, int, int], List[int], str, UCS_Version]) -> None """ :param version: must a :py:class:`str` matching the pattern `X.Y-Z` or a triple with major, minor and patchlevel. :type version: list(int) or tuple(int) or str or UCS_Version :raises TypeError: if the version cannot be parsed. >>> v = UCS_Version((2,3,1)) >>> UCS_Version([2,3,1]) == v True >>> UCS_Version("2.3-1") == v True >>> UCS_Version(v) == v True """ if isinstance(version, (tuple, list)): self.mmp = map(int, version) # type: ignore elif isinstance(version, six.string_types): self.set(version) elif isinstance(version, UCS_Version): self.mmp = version.mmp else: raise TypeError("not a tuple, list or string") @property def mm(self): # type: () -> Tuple[int, int] """ 2-tuple (major, minor) version """ return (self.major, self.minor) @property def mmp(self): # type: () -> Tuple[int, int, int] """ 3-tuple (major, minor, patch-level) version """ return (self.major, self.minor, self.patchlevel) @mmp.setter def mmp(self, mmp): # type: (Union[List[int], Tuple[int, int, int]]) -> None (self.major, self.minor, self.patchlevel) = mmp def __lt__(self, other): # type: (UCS_Version) -> bool """ Compare to UCS versions. :returns: 0 if the versions are equal, -1 if the `left` is less than the `right` and 1 of the `left` is greater than the `right`. >>> UCS_Version((1, 1, 0)) < UCS_Version((1, 2, 0)) True >>> UCS_Version((1, 10, 0)) < UCS_Version((1, 2, 0)) False >>> UCS_Version((1, 2, 3)) < UCS_Version((1, 2, 3)) False """ return self.mmp < other.mmp if isinstance(other, UCS_Version) else NotImplemented def __le__(self, other): # type: (UCS_Version) -> bool """ >>> UCS_Version((1, 2, 3)) <= UCS_Version((1, 2, 3)) True >>> UCS_Version((1, 2, 3)) <= UCS_Version((1, 0, 0)) False """ return self.mmp <= other.mmp if isinstance(other, UCS_Version) else NotImplemented def __eq__(self, other): # type: (object) -> bool """ >>> UCS_Version((1, 0, 0)) == UCS_Version((1, 0, 0)) True >>> UCS_Version((1, 0, 0)) == UCS_Version((2, 0, 0)) False """ return isinstance(other, UCS_Version) and self.mmp == other.mmp def __ne__(self, other): # type: (object) -> bool """ >>> UCS_Version((1, 0, 0)) != UCS_Version((1, 0, 0)) False >>> UCS_Version((1, 0, 0)) != UCS_Version((2, 0, 0)) True """ return not isinstance(other, UCS_Version) or self.mmp != other.mmp def __ge__(self, other): # type: (UCS_Version) -> bool """ >>> UCS_Version((1, 2, 3)) >= UCS_Version((1, 2, 3)) True >>> UCS_Version((1, 0, 0)) >= UCS_Version((1, 2, 3)) False """ return self.mmp >= other.mmp if isinstance(other, UCS_Version) else NotImplemented def __gt__(self, other): # type: (UCS_Version) -> bool """ >>> UCS_Version((1, 2, 3)) > UCS_Version((1, 2, 3)) False >>> UCS_Version((1, 2, 3)) > UCS_Version((1, 0, 0)) True """ return self.mmp > other.mmp if isinstance(other, UCS_Version) else NotImplemented
[docs] def set(self, version): # type: (str) -> None """ Parse string and set version. :param str version: A |UCS| release version string. :raises ValueError: if the string is not a valid |UCS| release version string. """ match = UCS_Version._regexp.match(version) if not match: raise ValueError('string %s does not match UCS version pattern' % version) self.mmp = map(int, match.groups()) # type: ignore
def __getitem__(self, k): # type: (str) -> int """ Dual natured dictionary: retrieve value from attribute. """ return self.__dict__[k] def __str__(self): # type: () -> str """ Return full version string. >>> str(UCS_Version((1,2,3))) '1.2-3' """ return self.FULLFORMAT % self def __hash__(self): # type: () -> int return hash(self.mmp) def __repr__(self): # type: () -> str """ Return canonical string representation. >>> UCS_Version((1,2,3)) UCS_Version((1,2,3)) """ return 'UCS_Version((%d,%d,%r))' % self.mmp def __format__(self, fmt): # type: (str) -> str """ Support Format String Syntax: >>> "{0:%f}".format(UCS_Version((1, 2, 3)) "1.2-3" The follwong format codes are supported: * `%a`: The major version, e.g. `1`. * `%f`: The full version, e.g. `1.2-3`. * `%i`: The minor version, e.g. `2`. * `%m`: The major and minor version, e.g. `1.2`. * `%p`: The patch-level version, e.g. `3`. * `%%`: A literal `'%'` character. """ if not isinstance(fmt, str): # pragma: no cover raise TypeError("must be str, not %s" % type(fmt).__name__) if fmt: val = { "%": "%", "a": str(self.major), "i": str(self.minor), "p": str(self.patchlevel), "m": self.FORMAT % self, "f": str(self), } return self._format.sub(lambda m: val[], fmt) return str(self)
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover import doctest exit(doctest.testmod()[0])