Source code for univention.config_registry.handler

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  main configuration registry classes
# Copyright 2004-2022 Univention GmbH
# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
# (GNU AGPL V3) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# Binary versions of this program provided by Univention to you as
# well as other copyrighted, protected or trademarked materials like
# Logos, graphics, fonts, specific documentations and configurations,
# cryptographic keys etc. are subject to a license agreement between
# you and Univention and not subject to the GNU AGPL V3.
# In the case you use this program under the terms of the GNU AGPL V3,
# the program is provided in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
# License with the Debian GNU/Linux or Univention distribution in file
# /usr/share/common-licenses/AGPL-3; if not, see
# <>.
# API stability :pylint: disable-msg=R0201,W0613,R0903
# Too pedantic  :pylint: disable-msg=W0704
# Rewrite       :pylint: disable-msg=R0912

"""Univention Configuration Registry handlers."""

from __future__ import print_function

import sys
import os
import random
import re
import subprocess
import pickle
import errno

import six

from pwd import getpwnam
from grp import getgrnam

from univention.config_registry.misc import asciify, directory_files
from univention.debhelper import parseRfc822  # pylint: disable-msg=W0403
if six.PY2:
	from io import open
	from typing import Any, Dict, IO, Iterable, List, Mapping, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union  # noqa: F401
	_OPT = Mapping[str, Any]
	_UCR = Mapping[str, str]
	_CHANGES = Mapping[str, Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]]
	_ARG = Tuple[_UCR, _CHANGES]
	_INFO = Mapping[str, List[str]]
except ImportError:

__all__ = ['ConfigHandlers']

VARIABLE_PATTERN = re.compile('@%@([^@]+)@%@')
VARIABLE_TOKEN = re.compile('@%@')
EXECUTE_TOKEN = re.compile(b'@!@')

INFO_DIR = '/etc/univention/templates/info'
FILE_DIR = '/etc/univention/templates/files'
SCRIPT_DIR = '/etc/univention/templates/scripts'
MODULE_DIR = '/etc/univention/templates/modules'

Warning: This file is auto-generated and might be overwritten by
         Please edit the following file(s) instead:
Warnung: Diese Datei wurde automatisch generiert und kann durch
         univention-config-registry ueberschrieben werden.
         Bitte bearbeiten Sie an Stelle dessen die folgende(n) Datei(en):

'''  # noqa: E101
assert asciify(WARNING_TEXT) == WARNING_TEXT, "Only ASCII allowed in WARNING_TEXT"

def run_filter(template, directory, srcfiles=set(), opts={}):
	# type: (str, _UCR, Iterable[str], _OPT) -> bytes
	Process a template file: substitute variables.

	:param template: Text string of template.
	:param directory: UCR instance.
	:param srcfiles: File names of source template.
	:param opts: Command line options.
	:returns: The modified template with all UCR variables and sections replaced.
	template = _replace_variables(template, directory, srcfiles)

	if six.PY3:
		tmpl = template.encode('UTF-8')
		tmpl = template

	if opts.get('disallow-execution', False):
		return tmpl

	tmpl = _replace_exec(tmpl)

	return tmpl

def _replace_variables(template, directory, srcfiles):
	# type: (str, _UCR, Iterable[str]) -> str
	while True:
		i = VARIABLE_TOKEN.finditer(template)
			start = next(i)
			end = next(i)
			name = template[start.end():end.start()]

			if name in directory:
				value = directory[name]
				if not isinstance(value, str):
					# Python 2 with unicode value
					value = value.encode('UTF-8')  # important! template must not be of type unicode ever (in py2), otherwise some characters are lost in the below subprocess stdinput
				match = WARNING_PATTERN.match(name)
				if match:
					mode, prefix = match.groups()
					value = warning_string(prefix, srcfiles=srcfiles)
					if mode == "UCRWARNING_ASCII":
						value = asciify(value)
					value = ''

			if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
				value = value[0]
			template = template[:start.start()] + value + template[end.end():]
		except StopIteration:

	return template

def _replace_exec(template):
	# type: (bytes) -> bytes
	while True:
		i = EXECUTE_TOKEN.finditer(template)
			start = next(i)
			end = next(i)

			proc = subprocess.Popen(
				stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
			value = proc.communicate(b'''\
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import univention.config_registry
configRegistry = univention.config_registry.ConfigRegistry()
# for compatibility
baseConfig = configRegistry
''' % template[start.end():end.start()])[0]
			template = template[:start.start()] + value + template[end.end():]

		except StopIteration:

	return template

def run_script(script, arg, changes):
	# type: (str, str, _CHANGES) -> None
	Execute script with command line arguments using a shell and pass changes
	on STDIN.
	For each changed variable a line with the 'name of the variable', the 'old
	value', and the 'new value' are passed separated by '@%@'.

	:param script: File name of the script.
	:param arg: Execution mode, e.g. `generate` or `postinst`.
	:param changes: Dictionary of changed UCR variables, mapping UCR variable names to 2-tuple (old-value, new-value).
	diff = [
		u'%s@%%@%s@%%@%s\n' % (key, old, new)
		for (key, (old, new)) in changes.items()
		if old and new

	cmd = script + " " + arg
	proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)

def run_module(modpath, fn, ucr, changes):
	# type: (str, str, _UCR, _CHANGES) -> None
	Load the Python module that MUST be located in :py:const:`MODULE_DIR` or any

	:param modpath: The path to the module relative to :py:const:`MODULE_DIR`.
	:param fn: Execution mode, e.g. `handler` or `preinst` or `postinst`.
	:param ucr: UCR instance.
	:param changes: Dictionary of changed UCR variables, mapping UCR variable names to 2-tuple (old-value, new-value).
	# temporarily prepend MODULE_DIR to load path
	sys.path.insert(0, MODULE_DIR)
	module_name = os.path.splitext(modpath)[0]
		module = __import__(module_name.replace(os.path.sep, '.'))
		f = getattr(module, fn)
		f(ucr, changes)
	except (AttributeError, ImportError) as ex:
		print(ex, file=sys.stderr)
	del sys.path[0]

def warning_string(prefix='# ', srcfiles=set()):
	# type: (str, Iterable[str]) -> str
	Generate UCR warning text.

	:param prefix: String to prepend before each line.
	:param srcfiles: File names of source template.
	:returns: A warning sting based on :py:const:`WARNING_TEXT`.
	res = [
		'%s%s' % (prefix, line)
		for line in WARNING_TEXT.splitlines()
	] + [
		'%s\t%s' % (prefix, srcfile)
		for srcfile in sorted(srcfiles)
	] + [

	return "\n".join(res)

class ConfigHandler(object):
	"""Base class of all config handlers."""
	variables = set()  # type: Set[str]

	def __call__(self, args):
		# type: (_ARG) -> None
		raise NotImplementedError()

class ConfigHandlerDiverting(ConfigHandler):
	File diverting config handler.

	:param to_file: Destination file name.

	def __init__(self, to_file):
		# type: (str) -> None
		super(ConfigHandlerDiverting, self).__init__()
		self.to_file = os.path.join('/', to_file)
		self.user = None  # type: Optional[int] = None  # type: Optional[int]
		self.mode = None  # type: Optional[int]
		self.preinst = None  # type: Optional[str]
		self.postinst = None  # type: Optional[str]

	def __hash__(self):
		"""Return unique hash."""
		return hash(self.to_file)

	def __eq__(self, other):
		"""Compare this to other handler."""
		if isinstance(other, type(self)):
			return self.to_file == other.to_file
		return NotImplemented

	def __ne__(self, other):
		"""Compare this to other handler."""
		if isinstance(other, type(self)):
			return self.to_file != other.to_file
		return NotImplemented

	def _set_perm(self, stat, to_file=None):
		# type: (Optional[os.stat_result], Optional[str]) -> None
		Set file permissions.

		:param stat: File status.
		:param to_file: Destination file name.
		if not to_file:
			to_file = self.to_file
		elif self.to_file != to_file:
				old_stat = os.stat(self.to_file)
				os.chmod(to_file, old_stat.st_mode)
				os.chown(to_file, old_stat.st_uid, old_stat.st_gid)
			except EnvironmentError:

		if self.user or or self.mode:
			if self.mode:
				os.chmod(to_file, self.mode)

			if self.user and
				os.chown(to_file, self.user,
			elif self.user:
				os.chown(to_file, self.user, 0)
				os.chown(to_file, 0,
		elif stat:
			os.chmod(to_file, stat.st_mode)

	def _call_silent(self, *cmd):
		# type: (*str) -> int
		Call command with stdin, stdout, and stderr redirected from/to :file:`/dev/null`.

		:param cmd: List of command with arguments.
		:returns: Process exit code.
		with open(os.path.devnull, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as null:
			# tell possibly wrapped dpkg-divert to really do the work
			env = dict(os.environ)
			env['DPKG_MAINTSCRIPT_PACKAGE'] = 'univention-config'
			return, stdin=null, stdout=null, stderr=null, env=env)

	def need_divert(self):
		# type: () -> bool
		"""Check if diversion is needed."""
		return False

	def install_divert(self):
		# type: () -> None
		"""Prepare file for diversion."""
		deb = '%s.debian' % self.to_file
		self._call_silent('dpkg-divert', '--quiet', '--rename', '--local', '--divert', deb, '--add', self.to_file)
		# Make sure a valid file still exists
		if os.path.exists(deb) and not os.path.exists(self.to_file):
			# Don't use shutil.copy2() which looses file ownership (Bug #22596)
			self._call_silent('cp', '-p', deb, self.to_file)

	def uninstall_divert(self):
		# type: () -> bool
		Undo diversion of file.

		:returns: `True` because the diversion was removed.
		except EnvironmentError:
		deb = '%s.debian' % self.to_file
		self._call_silent('dpkg-divert', '--quiet', '--rename', '--local', '--divert', deb, '--remove', self.to_file)
		return True

	def _temp_file_name(self):
		# type: () -> str
		dirname, basename = os.path.split(self.to_file)
		filename = '.%s__ucr__commit__%s' % (basename, random.random())
		return os.path.join(dirname, filename)

class ConfigHandlerMultifile(ConfigHandlerDiverting):
	Handler for multifile.

	:param dummy_from_file: Source file name used to copy file permissions from.
	:param to_file: Destination file name.

	def __init__(self, dummy_from_file, to_file):
		# type: (str, str) -> None
		super(ConfigHandlerMultifile, self).__init__(to_file)
		self.variables = set()  # type: Set[str]
		self.from_files = set()  # type: Set[str]
		self.dummy_from_file = dummy_from_file
		self.def_count = 1

	def __setstate__(self, state):
		"""Load state upon unpickling."""
		# may raise AttributeError, which forces UCR to rebuild the cache
		self.def_count  # :pylint: disable-msg=W0104

	def add_subfiles(self, subfiles):
		# type: (List[Tuple[str, Set[str]]]) -> None
		Add subfiles to multifile.

		:param subfiles: List of 2-tuples (file-name, set-of-variable-names).
		for from_file, variables in subfiles:
			self.variables |= variables

	def remove_subfile(self, subfile):
		# type: (str) -> None
		Remove subfile.

		Removed diversion of set of sub-files becomes empty.
		if not self.need_divert():

	def __call__(self, args):
		# type: (_ARG) -> None
		"""Generate multfile from subfile templates."""
		ucr, changed = args
		print('Multifile: %s' % self.to_file)

		if hasattr(self, 'preinst') and self.preinst:
			run_module(self.preinst, 'preinst', ucr, changed)

		if self.def_count == 0 or not self.from_files:

		to_dir = os.path.dirname(self.to_file)
		if not os.path.isdir(to_dir):
			os.makedirs(to_dir, 0o755)

		if os.path.isfile(self.dummy_from_file):
			stat = os.stat(self.dummy_from_file)  # type: Optional[os.stat_result]
		elif os.path.isfile(self.to_file):
			stat = os.stat(self.to_file)
			stat = None

		tmp_to_file = self._temp_file_name()
			filter_opts = {}  # type: Dict[str, Any]

			with open(tmp_to_file, 'wb') as to_fp:
				self._set_perm(stat, tmp_to_file)

				for from_file in sorted(self.from_files, key=os.path.basename):
						with open(from_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as from_fp:
							to_fp.write(run_filter(, ucr, srcfiles=self.from_files, opts=filter_opts))
					except EnvironmentError:

				os.rename(tmp_to_file, self.to_file)
			except EnvironmentError as ex:
				if ex.errno == errno.EBUSY:
					with open(self.to_file, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fd:
						fd.write(open(tmp_to_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8').read())
		except Exception:
			if os.path.exists(tmp_to_file):

		if hasattr(self, 'postinst') and self.postinst:
			run_module(self.postinst, 'postinst', ucr, changed)

		script_file = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, self.to_file.strip("/"))
		if os.path.isfile(script_file):
			run_script(script_file, 'postinst', changed)

	def need_divert(self):
		# type: () -> bool
		"""Diversion is needed when at least one multifile and one subfile
		definition exists."""
		return self.def_count >= 1 and bool(self.from_files)

	def install_divert(self):
		# type: () -> None
		"""Prepare file for diversion."""
		if self.need_divert():
			super(ConfigHandlerMultifile, self).install_divert()

	def uninstall_divert(self):
		# type: () -> bool
		Undo diversion of file.

		:returns: `True` when the diversion is removed, `False` when the diversion is still needed.
		if self.need_divert():
			return False
		return super(ConfigHandlerMultifile, self).uninstall_divert()

class ConfigHandlerFile(ConfigHandlerDiverting):
	Handler for (single)file.

	:param from_file: Template source file name.
	:param to_file: Destination file name.

	def __init__(self, from_file, to_file):
		# type: (str, str) -> None
		super(ConfigHandlerFile, self).__init__(to_file)
		self.from_file = from_file

	def __call__(self, args):
		# type: (_ARG) -> None
		"""Generate file from template."""
		ucr, changed = args

		if hasattr(self, 'preinst') and self.preinst:
			run_module(self.preinst, 'preinst', ucr, changed)

		print('File: %s' % self.to_file)

		to_dir = os.path.dirname(self.to_file)
		if not os.path.isdir(to_dir):
			os.makedirs(to_dir, 0o755)

			stat = os.stat(self.from_file)
		except EnvironmentError:
			print("The referenced template file does not exist", file=sys.stderr)
			return None

		tmp_to_file = self._temp_file_name()
			filter_opts = {}  # type: Dict[str, Any]

			with open(self.from_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as from_fp, open(tmp_to_file, 'wb') as to_fp:
				self._set_perm(stat, tmp_to_file)

				to_fp.write(run_filter(, ucr, srcfiles=[self.from_file], opts=filter_opts))

				os.rename(tmp_to_file, self.to_file)
			except EnvironmentError as ex:
				if ex.errno == errno.EBUSY:
					with open(self.to_file, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fd:
						fd.write(open(tmp_to_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8').read())
		except Exception:
			if os.path.exists(tmp_to_file):

		if hasattr(self, 'postinst') and self.postinst:
			run_module(self.postinst, 'postinst', ucr, changed)

		script_file = self.from_file.replace(FILE_DIR, SCRIPT_DIR)
		if os.path.isfile(script_file):
			run_script(script_file, 'postinst', changed)

	def need_divert(self):
		# type: () -> bool
		"""For simple files the diversion is always needed."""
		return True

class ConfigHandlerScript(ConfigHandler):
	Handler for UCR scripts.

	:param script: Script file name.

	def __init__(self, script):
		# type: (str) -> None
		super(ConfigHandlerScript, self).__init__()
		self.script = script

	def __hash__(self):
		"""Return unique hash."""
		return hash(self.script)

	def __eq__(self, other):
		"""Compare this to other handler."""
		if isinstance(other, type(self)):
			return self.script == other.script
		return NotImplemented

	def __ne__(self, other):
		"""Compare this to other handler."""
		if isinstance(other, type(self)):
			return self.script != other.script
		return NotImplemented

	def __call__(self, args):
		# type: (_ARG) -> None
		"""Call external programm after change."""
		_ucr, changed = args
		print('Script: %s' % self.script)
		if os.path.isfile(self.script):
			run_script(self.script, 'generate', changed)

class ConfigHandlerModule(ConfigHandler):
	Handler for UCR Python module.

	:param module: Module file name.

	def __init__(self, module):
		# type: (str) -> None
		super(ConfigHandlerModule, self).__init__()
		self.module = module

	def __hash__(self):
		"""Return unique hash."""
		return hash(self.module)

	def __eq__(self, other):
		"""Compare this to other handler."""
		if isinstance(other, type(self)):
			return self.module == other.module
		return NotImplemented

	def __ne__(self, other):
		"""Compare this to other handler."""
		if isinstance(other, type(self)):
			return self.module != other.module
		return NotImplemented

	def __call__(self, args):
		# type: (_ARG) -> None
		"""Call Python module after change."""
		ucr, changed = args
		print('Module: %s' % self.module)
		run_module(self.module, 'handler', ucr, changed)

def grep_variables(text):
	# type: (str) -> Set[str]
	Search UCR template text for used variables.

	:returns: Set of all variables inside `@%@` delimiters.
	return set(VARIABLE_PATTERN.findall(text))

[docs]class ConfigHandlers: """Manage handlers for configuration variables.""" CACHE_FILE = '/var/cache/univention-config/cache' # 0: without version # 1: with version header # 2: switch to handlers mapping to set, drop file, add multifile.def_count # 3: split config_registry into sub modules VERSION = 3 VERSION_MIN = 3 VERSION_MAX = 3 VERSION_TEXT = 'univention-config cache, version' VERSION_NOTICE = '%s %s\n' % (VERSION_TEXT, VERSION) VERSION_RE = re.compile('^%s (?P<version>[0-9]+)$' % VERSION_TEXT) _handlers = {} # type: Dict[str, Set[ConfigHandler]] # variable -> set(handlers) _multifiles = {} # type: Dict[str, ConfigHandlerMultifile] # multifile -> handler _subfiles = {} # type: Dict[str, List[Tuple[str, Set[str]]]] # multifile -> [(subfile, variables)] // pending def __init__(self): # type: () -> None pass @staticmethod def _get_cache_version(cache_file): # type: (IO) -> int """ Read cached `.info` data. :param cache_file: Opened cache file. :returns: Version. """ line = cache_file.readline() # IOError is propagated match = ConfigHandlers.VERSION_RE.match(line) if match: version = int('version')) # "Old style" cache (version 0) doesn't contain version notice else: version = 0 return version @classmethod def _parse_rfc822_file(cls, fname): # type: (str) -> List[Dict[str, List[str]]] """ Parse :rfc:`822` file. :param fname: Path to :rfc:`822` file. :returns: A list of dictionaries. """ with open(fname, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fd: return parseRfc822(
[docs] def load(self): # type: () -> None """Load cached `.info` data or force update.""" try: with open(ConfigHandlers.CACHE_FILE, 'rb') as cache_file: version = self._get_cache_version(cache_file) chv = ConfigHandlers if not chv.VERSION_MIN <= version <= chv.VERSION_MAX: raise TypeError("Invalid cache file version.") pickler = pickle.Unpickler(cache_file) self._handlers = pickler.load() if version <= 1: # version <= 1: _handlers[multifile] -> [handlers] # version >= 2: _handlers[multifile] -> set([handlers]) self._handlers = {k: set(v) for k, v in self._handlers.items()} # version <= 1: _files UNUSED pickler.load() self._subfiles = pickler.load() self._multifiles = pickler.load() except (Exception, pickle.UnpicklingError): self.update()
[docs] def get_handler(self, entry): # type: (_INFO) -> Optional[ConfigHandler] """ Parse entry and return Handler instance. :param entry: `.info` file entry dictionary. :returns: An instance of `None`. """ try: typ = entry['Type'][0] handler = getattr(self, '_get_handler_%s' % typ) except (LookupError, AttributeError): return None else: return handler(entry)
def _parse_common_file_handler(self, handler, entry): # type: (ConfigHandlerDiverting, _INFO) -> None """ Parse common file and multifile entries. :param handler: Handler instance. :param entry: `.info` file entry dictionary. """ try: handler.preinst = entry['Preinst'][0] except LookupError: pass try: handler.postinst = entry['Postinst'][0] except LookupError: pass handler.variables |= set(entry.get('Variables', set())) try: user = entry['User'][0] except LookupError: pass else: try: handler.user = getpwnam(user).pw_uid except LookupError: print(('W: failed to convert the username %s to the uid' % (user,)), file=sys.stderr) try: group = entry['Group'][0] except LookupError: pass else: try: = getgrnam(group).gr_gid except LookupError: print(('W: failed to convert the groupname %s to the gid' % (group,)), file=sys.stderr) try: mode = entry['Mode'][0] except LookupError: pass else: try: handler.mode = int(mode, 8) except ValueError: print('W: failed to convert mode %s' % (mode,), file=sys.stderr) def _get_handler_file(self, entry): # type: (_INFO) -> Optional[ConfigHandlerFile] """ Parse file entry and return Handler instance. :param entry: `.info` file entry dictionary. :returns: An instance of `None`. """ try: name = entry['File'][0] except LookupError: return None from_path = os.path.join(FILE_DIR, name) handler = ConfigHandlerFile(from_path, name) if os.path.exists(from_path): with open(from_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fd: handler.variables = grep_variables( self._parse_common_file_handler(handler, entry) return handler def _get_handler_script(self, entry): # type: (_INFO) -> Optional[ConfigHandlerScript] """ Parse script entry and return Handler instance. :param entry: `.info` file entry dictionary. :returns: An instance of `None`. """ try: script = entry['Script'][0] variables = entry['Variables'] except LookupError: return None handler = ConfigHandlerScript(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, script)) handler.variables = set(variables) return handler def _get_handler_module(self, entry): # type: (_INFO) -> Optional[ConfigHandlerModule] """ Parse module entry and return Handler instance. :param entry: `.info` file entry dictionary. :returns: An instance of `None`. """ try: module = entry['Module'][0] variables = entry['Variables'] except LookupError: return None handler = ConfigHandlerModule(os.path.splitext(module)[0]) handler.variables = set(variables) return handler def _get_handler_multifile(self, entry): # type: (_INFO) -> Optional[ConfigHandlerMultifile] """ Parse multifile entry and return Handler instance. :param entry: `.info` file entry dictionary. :returns: An instance of `None`. """ try: mfile = entry['Multifile'][0] except LookupError: return None try: handler = self._multifiles[mfile] handler.def_count += 1 except KeyError: from_path = os.path.join(FILE_DIR, mfile) handler = ConfigHandlerMultifile(from_path, mfile) self._parse_common_file_handler(handler, entry) # Add pending subfiles from earlier entries self._multifiles[mfile] = handler try: file_vars = self._subfiles.pop(mfile) handler.add_subfiles(file_vars) except KeyError: pass return handler def _get_handler_subfile(self, entry): # type: (Dict[str, List[str]]) -> Optional[ConfigHandlerMultifile] """ Parse subfile entry and return Handler instance. :param entry: `.info` file entry dictionary. :returns: An instance of `None`. """ try: mfile = entry['Multifile'][0] subfile = entry['Subfile'][0] except LookupError: return None variables = set(entry.get('Variables', set())) name = os.path.join(FILE_DIR, subfile) try: with open(name, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as temp_file: variables |= grep_variables( except EnvironmentError: print("Failed to process Subfile %s" % (name,), file=sys.stderr) return None qentry = (name, variables) # if multifile handler does not yet exists, queue subfiles for later try: handler = self._multifiles[mfile] handler.add_subfiles([qentry]) except KeyError: pending = self._subfiles.setdefault(mfile, []) pending.append(qentry) return None return handler
[docs] def update(self): # type: () -> Set[ConfigHandler] """ Parse all `.info` files to build list of handlers. :returns: Set of all handlers. """ self._handlers.clear() self._multifiles.clear() self._subfiles.clear() handlers = set() # type: Set[ConfigHandler] for info in directory_files(INFO_DIR): if not info.endswith('.info'): continue for section in self._parse_rfc822_file(info): handler = self.get_handler(section) if handler: handlers.add(handler) for handler in handlers: for variable in handler.variables: v2h = self._handlers.setdefault(variable, set()) v2h.add(handler) self._save_cache() return handlers
[docs] def update_divert(self, handlers): # type: (Iterable[ConfigHandler]) -> None """ Synchronize diversions with handlers. :param handlers: List of handlers. """ wanted = {h.to_file: h for h in handlers if isinstance(h, ConfigHandlerDiverting) and h.need_divert()} to_remove = set() # type: Set[str] # Scan for diversions done by UCR with open('/var/lib/dpkg/diversions', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as div_file: # from \n to \n package \n try: while True: path_from = next(div_file).rstrip() path_to = next(div_file).rstrip() diversion = next(div_file).rstrip() if path_from + '.debian' != path_to: continue if ':' != diversion: # local diversion continue assert path_from not in to_remove # no duplicates try: handler = wanted.pop(path_from) except KeyError: to_remove.add(path_from) except StopIteration: pass # Remove existing diversion not wanted for path in to_remove: tmp_handler = ConfigHandlerDiverting(path) tmp_handler.uninstall_divert() # Install missing diversions still wanted for path, handler in wanted.items(): handler.install_divert()
def _save_cache(self): # type: () -> None """Write cache file.""" try: with open(ConfigHandlers.CACHE_FILE, 'wb') as cache_file: cache_file.write(ConfigHandlers.VERSION_NOTICE.encode('utf-8')) pickler = pickle.Pickler(cache_file) pickler.dump(self._handlers) pickler.dump(self._subfiles) pickler.dump(self._multifiles) except IOError as ex: if ex.errno != errno.EACCES: raise
[docs] def register(self, package, ucr): # type: (str, _UCR) -> Set[ConfigHandler] """ Register new info file for package. :param package: Name of the package to register. :param ucr: UCR instance. :returns: Set of (new) handlers. """ handlers = set() # type: Set[ConfigHandler] fname = os.path.join(INFO_DIR, '' % package) for section in self._parse_rfc822_file(fname): handler = self.get_handler(section) if handler: handlers.add(handler) for handler in handlers: if isinstance(handler, ConfigHandlerDiverting): handler.install_divert() values = {} # type: Dict[str, Tuple[None, Optional[str]]] for variable in handler.variables: v2h = self._handlers.setdefault(variable, set()) v2h.add(handler) values[variable] = (None, ucr[variable]) try: _re = re.compile(variable) except re.error: continue values.update((key, (None, val)) for key, val in ucr.items() if _re.match(key)) handler((ucr, values)) self._save_cache() return handlers
[docs] def unregister(self, package, ucr): # type: (str, _UCR) -> Set[ConfigHandler] """ Un-register info file for package. :param package: Name of the package to un-register. :param ucr: UCR instance. :returns: Set of (then obsolete) handlers. """ obsolete_handlers = set() # type: Set[ConfigHandler] mf_handlers = set() # type: Set[ConfigHandler] # Remaining Multifile handlers fname = os.path.join(INFO_DIR, '' % package) for section in self._parse_rfc822_file(fname): try: typ = section['Type'][0] except LookupError: continue if typ == 'file': handler = self.get_handler(section) elif typ == 'subfile': mfile = section['Multifile'][0] sfile = section['Subfile'][0] try: handler = self._multifiles[mfile] except KeyError: continue # skip SubFile w/o MultiFile name = os.path.join(FILE_DIR, sfile) handler.remove_subfile(name) mf_handlers.add(handler) elif typ == 'multifile': mfile = section['Multifile'][0] handler = self._multifiles[mfile] handler.def_count -= 1 mf_handlers.add(handler) else: continue if not handler: # Bug #17913 print(("Skipping internal error: no handler for %r in %s" % (section, package)), file=sys.stderr) continue if isinstance(handler, ConfigHandlerDiverting) and handler.uninstall_divert(): obsolete_handlers.add(handler) for handler in mf_handlers - obsolete_handlers: self.call_handler(ucr, handler) try: # remove cache file to force rebuild of cache os.unlink(ConfigHandlers.CACHE_FILE) except EnvironmentError: pass return obsolete_handlers
def __call__(self, variables, arg): # type: (Iterable[str], _ARG) -> None """ Call handlers registered for changes in variables. :param variables: Changed UCR variable names. :param arg: 2-tuple(UCR-instance, changed) where changed is a dictionary mapping ucs-variable-names to values. """ if not variables: return pending_handlers = set() # type: Set[ConfigHandler] for reg_var, handlers in self._handlers.items(): try: _re = re.compile(reg_var) except re.error as ex: print('Failed to compile regular expression %s: %s' % (reg_var, ex), file=sys.stderr) continue for variable in variables: if _re.match(variable): pending_handlers |= handlers for handler in pending_handlers: handler(arg)
[docs] def commit(self, ucr, filelist=[]): # type: (_UCR, Iterable[str]) -> None """ Call handlers to (re-)generate files. :param ucr: UCR instance. :param filelist: List of files to re-generate. By default *all* files will be re-generated and all modules and scripts will we re-invoked! """ _filelist = [] for fname in filelist: fname = os.path.expanduser(fname) fname = os.path.expandvars(fname) fname = os.path.abspath(fname) _filelist.append(fname) # find handlers pending_handlers = set() for fname in directory_files(INFO_DIR): if not fname.endswith('.info'): continue for section in self._parse_rfc822_file(fname): if not section.get('Type'): continue handler = None if _filelist: files = section.get('File') or section.get('Multifile') or () for filename in files: if not os.path.isabs(filename): filename = '/%s' % filename if filename in _filelist: handler = self.get_handler(section) break else: continue else: handler = self.get_handler(section) if handler: pending_handlers.add(handler) # print missing files for fname in set(_filelist) - {h.to_file for h in pending_handlers if isinstance(h, ConfigHandlerDiverting)}: print('Warning: The file %r is not registered as an UCR template.' % (fname,), file=sys.stderr) # call handlers for handler in pending_handlers: self.call_handler(ucr, handler)
[docs] def call_handler(self, ucr, handler): # type: (_UCR, ConfigHandler) -> None """ Call handler passing current configuration variables. :param ucr: UCR instance. :param handler: The handler to call. """ values = {} # type: Dict[str, Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]] for variable in handler.variables: if variable in self._handlers.keys(): if ".*" in variable: for i in range(4): var = variable.replace(".*", "%s" % i) val = ucr.get(var) values[var] = (val, val) else: val = ucr.get(variable) values[variable] = (val, val) handler((ucr, values))
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