Source code for univention.admin.hook

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|UDM| hook definitions for modifying |LDAP| calls when objects are created, modifier or deleted.

import sys
import io
import os
import traceback
import six
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Tuple, Union  # noqa: F401

import univention.debug as ud
from univention.admin import localization
	import univention.admin.handlers  # noqa: F401
	AddList = List[Tuple[str, List[str]]]
	_Mod2 = Tuple[str, List[str]]
	_Mod3 = Tuple[str, List[str], List[str]]
	ModList = List[Union[_Mod2, _Mod3]]

translation = localization.translation('univention/admin')
_ = translation.translate

[docs]def import_hook_files(): # type: () -> None """ Load all additional hook files from :file:`.../univention/admin/hooks.d/*.py` """ for dir_ in sys.path: hooks_d = os.path.join(dir_, 'univention/admin/hooks.d/') if os.path.isdir(hooks_d): hooks_files = (os.path.join(hooks_d, f) for f in os.listdir(hooks_d) if f.endswith('.py')) for fn in hooks_files: try: with, 'rb') as fd: exec(, sys.modules[__name__].__dict__) ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'admin.hook.import_hook_files: importing %r' % (fn,)) except Exception: ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.ERROR, 'admin.hook.import_hook_files: loading %r failed' % (fn,)) ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.ERROR, 'admin.hook.import_hook_files: TRACEBACK:\n%s' % traceback.format_exc())
[docs]class simpleHook(object): """ Base class for a |UDM| hook performing logging. """ type = 'simpleHook' # # To use the LDAP connection of the parent UDM call in any of the following # methods, use obj.lo and obj.position. #
[docs] def hook_open(self, obj): # type: (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap) -> None """ This method is called by the default open handler just before the current state of all properties is saved. :param obj: The |UDM| object instance. """ ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'admin.syntax.hook.simpleHook: _open called')
[docs] def hook_ldap_pre_create(self, obj): # type: (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap) -> None """ This method is called before an |UDM| object is created. It is called after the module validated all properties but before the add-list is created. :param obj: The |UDM| object instance. """ ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'admin.syntax.hook.simpleHook: _ldap_pre_create called')
[docs] def hook_ldap_addlist(self, obj, al=[]): # type: (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap, AddList) -> AddList """ This method is called before an |UDM| object is created. Notice that :py:meth:`hook_ldap_modlist` will also be called next. :param obj: The |UDM| object instance. :param al: A list of two-tuples (ldap-attribute-name, list-of-values) which will be used to create the LDAP object. :returns: The (modified) add-list. """ ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'admin.syntax.hook.simpleHook: _ldap_addlist called') return al
[docs] def hook_ldap_post_create(self, obj): # type: (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap) -> None """ This method is called after the object was created in |LDAP|. :param obj: The |UDM| object instance. """ ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'admin.syntax.hook.simpleHook: _ldap_post_create called')
[docs] def hook_ldap_pre_modify(self, obj): # type: (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap) -> None """ This method is called before an |UDM| object is modified. It is called after the module validated all properties but before the modification-list is created. :param obj: The |UDM| object instance. """ ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'admin.syntax.hook.simpleHook: _ldap_pre_modify called')
[docs] def hook_ldap_modlist(self, obj, ml=[]): # type: (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap, ModList) -> ModList """ This method is called before an |UDM| object is created or modified. :param obj: The |UDM| object instance. :param ml: A list of tuples, which are either two-tuples (ldap-attribute-name, list-of-new-values) or three-tuples (ldap-attribute-name, list-of-old-values, list-of-new-values). It will be used to create or modify the |LDAP| object. :returns: The (modified) modification-list. """ ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'admin.syntax.hook.simpleHook: _ldap_modlist called') return ml
[docs] def hook_ldap_post_modify(self, obj): # type: (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap) -> None """ This method is called after the object was modified in |LDAP|. :param obj: The |UDM| object instance. """ ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'admin.syntax.hook.simpleHook: _ldap_post_modify called')
[docs] def hook_ldap_pre_remove(self, obj): # type: (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap) -> None """ This method is called before an |UDM| object is removed. :param obj: The |UDM| object instance. """ ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'admin.syntax.hook.simpleHook: _ldap_pre_remove called')
[docs] def hook_ldap_post_remove(self, obj): # type: (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap) -> None """ This method is called after the object was removed from |LDAP|. :param obj: The |UDM| object instance. """ ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'admin.syntax.hook.simpleHook: _ldap_post_remove called')
[docs]class AttributeHook(simpleHook): """ Convenience Hook that essentially implements a mapping between |UDM| and |LDAP| for your extended attributes. Derive from this class, set :py:attr:`attribute_name` to the name of the |UDM| attribute and implement :py:meth:`map_attribute_value_to_udm` and :py:meth:`map_attribute_value_to_ldap`. .. warning:: Only derive from this class when you are sure every system in your domain has the update installed that introduced this hook. (Nov 2018; UCS 4.3-2) Otherwise you will get errors when you are distributing your new hook via `ucs_registerLDAPExtension --udm_hook` """ udm_attribute_name = None ldap_attribute_name = None
[docs] def hook_open(self, obj): # type: (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap) -> None """ Open |UDM| object by loading value from |LDAP|. :param obj: The |UDM| object instance. """ assert isinstance(self.udm_attribute_name, six.string_types), "udm_attribute_name has to be a str" # noqa: F821 ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'admin.syntax.hook.AttributeHook: Mapping %s (LDAP) -> %s (UDM)' % (self.ldap_attribute_name, self.udm_attribute_name)) old_value = obj[self.udm_attribute_name] new_value = self.map_attribute_value_to_udm(old_value) ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'admin.syntax.hook.AttributeHook: Setting UDM value from %r to %r' % (old_value, new_value)) obj[self.udm_attribute_name] = new_value
[docs] def hook_ldap_addlist(self, obj, al): # type: (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap, AddList) -> AddList """ Extend |LDAP| add list. :param obj: The |UDM| object instance. :param al: The add list to extend. :returns: The extended add list. """ return self.hook_ldap_modlist(obj, al)
[docs] def hook_ldap_modlist(self, obj, ml): # type: (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap, ModList) -> ModList """ Extend |LDAP| modification list. :param obj: The |UDM| object instance. :param ml: The modification list to extend. :returns: The extended modification list. """ assert isinstance(self.ldap_attribute_name, six.string_types), "ldap_attribute_name has to be a str" # noqa: F821 new_ml = [] for ml_value in ml: if len(ml_value) == 2: key, old_value, new_value = ml_value[0], [], ml_value[1] else: key, old_value, new_value = ml_value if key == self.ldap_attribute_name: ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'admin.syntax.hook.AttributeHook: Mapping %s (UDM) -> %s (LDAP)' % (self.udm_attribute_name, self.ldap_attribute_name)) old_value = self.map_attribute_value_to_ldap(old_value) new_new_value = self.map_attribute_value_to_ldap(new_value) ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'admin.syntax.hook.AttributeHook: Setting LDAP value from %r to %r' % (new_value, new_new_value)) new_value = new_new_value new_ml.append((key, old_value, new_value)) return new_ml
[docs] def map_attribute_value_to_ldap(self, value): # type: (bytes) -> bytes """ Return value as it shall be saved in |LDAP|. :param value: The |UDM| value. :returns: The |LDAP| value. """ return value
[docs] def map_attribute_value_to_udm(self, value): # type: (str) -> str """ Return value as it shall be used in |UDM| objects. The mapped value needs to be syntax compliant. :param value: The |LDAP| value. :returns: The |UDM| value. """ return value