Source code for ucsschool.veyon_client.client

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright 2020-2021 Univention GmbH
# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
# (GNU AGPL V3) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# Binary versions of this program provided by Univention to you as
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import time
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime
from threading import Lock
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Optional

import requests

from .models import AuthenticationMethod, ScreenshotFormat, VeyonError, VeyonSession, VeyonUser
from .utils import check_veyon_error

    from .models import Dimension, Feature

[docs]class VeyonClient: def __init__( self, url, credentials, auth_method=AuthenticationMethod.AUTH_KEYS, default_host="localhost", idle_timeout=60, ): # type: (str, Dict[str, str], Optional[AuthenticationMethod], str, int) -> None """ Creates a client that communicates with the Veyon API to control features and fetch screenshots. :param url: The url this client should connect to :param credentials: The credentials used to authenticate against the Veyon API :param auth_method: The method to use for authentication against the Veyon API :param default_host: The default host to connect to if no specific host is provided :param idle_timeout: The maximum time a connection can be idle without being invalidated by the server. Has to be a value > 0. If the given value is < 1, the value is set to 1. """ self._url = url self._credentials = credentials self._auth_method = auth_method self._default_host = default_host self._idle_timeout = max(idle_timeout - 1, 1) self._ping_timeout = 5.0 self._session_cache = {} # type: Dict[str, VeyonSession] self._last_used = {} # type: Dict[str, float] self._session_locks = defaultdict(Lock) # type: defaultdict[str, Lock] self._locks_lock = Lock() # type: Lock """This lock is needed to ensure thread safe operation of the defaultdict for the individual session locks""" def _get_headers(self, host=None): # type: (Optional[str]) -> Dict[str, str] return {"Connection-Uid": self._get_connection_uid(host)} def _reset_idle_time(self, host): self._last_used[host] = time.time() def _create_session(self, host): # type: (str) -> VeyonSession auth_route = "{}/authentication/{}".format(self._url, host) result = auth_route, json={"method": str(self._auth_method), "credentials": self._credentials} ) check_veyon_error(result) session_data = result.json() return VeyonSession(str(session_data["connection-uid"]), session_data["validUntil"]) def _get_connection_uid(self, host=None, renew_session=True): # type:(Optional[str], Optional[bool]) -> str """ Fetches the connection uid for a given host from the cache or generates a new one if none is present or valid. :param str host: The host to fetch the connection uid for :param bool renew_session: If set to False an exception is thrown if no valid session exists in the session cache :return: The connection uid :rtype: str :raises VeyonError: If renew_session=False and the cached connection does not exist or is invalid """ host = host if host else self._default_host with self._locks_lock: host_lock = self._session_locks[host] with host_lock: session = self._session_cache.get(host, None) # type: VeyonSession if ( session and datetime.fromtimestamp(session.valid_until) > and time.time() - self._last_used.get(host, 0.0) < self._idle_timeout ): self._reset_idle_time(host) return session.connection_uid else: if not renew_session: raise VeyonError("The currently cached connection is invalid", 2) self.remove_session(host) session = self._create_session(host) self._session_cache[host] = session self._reset_idle_time(host) return session.connection_uid
[docs] def remove_session(self, host): # type: (str) -> None """ This function tries to close the currently cached connection to the host and then purges it from the cache. This function is not thread safe and thus needs to be used in an already thread safe context. :param str host: The host to remove the session for """ try: session = self._session_cache.get(host, None) session_uid = session.connection_uid if session else "" requests.delete( "{}/authentication".format(self._url), headers={"Connection-Uid": session_uid}, ) except VeyonError: pass # We do not care if the connection was already invalid or does not exist anymore if host in self._session_cache: del self._session_cache[host] if host in self._last_used: del self._last_used[host]
[docs] def get_screenshot( self, host=None, screenshot_format=ScreenshotFormat.PNG, compression=5, quality=75, dimension=None, ): # type: (Optional[str], Optional[ScreenshotFormat], Optional[int], Optional[int], Optional[Dimension]) -> bytes # noqa: E501 """ Fetches a screenshot for the specified host from the Veyon API :param host: The host to fetch the screenshot for. If not specified the default host is used. :param screenshot_format: The file format the screenshot should be returned as :param compression: The compression level of the screenshot. Only used if the format is png :param quality: The quality of the screenshot. Only used if format is jpeg :param dimension: Optional specification of the screenshots dimensions as (width, height). If neither is specified (dimension=None) the original dimensions are used. If either is specified the other one is calculated in a way to keep the aspect ratio. :return: The screenshot as bytes :rtype: bytes :raises VeyonError: Can throw a VeyonError(10) if no framebuffer is available yet. """ params = {"format": screenshot_format, "compression": compression, "quality": quality} if dimension and dimension.width: params["width"] = dimension.width if dimension and dimension.height: params["height"] = dimension.height result = requests.get( "{}/framebuffer".format(self._url), params=params, headers=self._get_headers(host) ) check_veyon_error(result) return result.content
[docs] def ping(self, host=None): # type: (Optional[str]) -> bool host = host if host else self._default_host try: result = requests.get( "{}/authentication/{}".format(self._url, host), timeout=self._ping_timeout ) return result.status_code == 200 except requests.ReadTimeout: return False
[docs] def set_feature(self, feature, host=None, active=True, arguments=None): # type: (Feature, Optional[str], Optional[bool], Optional[Dict[str, str]]) -> None """ De-/Activates a Veyon feature on the given host :param host: The host to set the feature for. If not specified the default host is used. :param feature: The feature to set :param active: True if the feature should be activated or triggered, False to deactivate a feature :param arguments: A dictionary containing additional arguments for the feature """ data = {"active": active} if arguments: data["arguments"] = arguments result = requests.put( "{}/feature/{}".format(self._url, feature), json=data, headers=self._get_headers(host), ) check_veyon_error(result)
[docs] def get_feature_status(self, feature, host=None): # type: (Feature, Optional[str]) -> bool """ Fetches the status of a given feature on a given host. :param host: The host to fetch the feature status for. If not specified the default host is used. :param feature: The feature to fetch the status for :returns: True if the feature is activated, False if the feature is deactivated or has no status, like "REBOOT" :rtype: bool """ result = requests.get( "{}/feature/{}".format(self._url, feature), headers=self._get_headers(host) ) check_veyon_error(result) return result.json()["active"]
[docs] def get_user_info(self, host=None): # type: (Optional[str]) -> VeyonUser """ Fetches the information about a logged in user on a given host :param host: The host to fetch the user info for. If not specified the default host is used. :returns: The info about the logged in user. If no user is logged in the session field of the result will be -1 :rtype: VeyonUser """ result = requests.get("{}/user".format(self._url), headers=self._get_headers(host)) check_veyon_error(result) return VeyonUser(**result.json())