Source code for ucsschool.lib.roles

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# UCS@school lib
#  module: UCS@school specific roles
# Copyright 2014-2021 Univention GmbH
# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
# (GNU AGPL V3) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
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from typing import Optional, Tuple

[docs]class UcsschoolRoleStringError(Exception): pass
[docs]class UnknownRole(UcsschoolRoleStringError): pass
[docs]class UnknownContextType(UcsschoolRoleStringError): pass
[docs]class InvalidUcsschoolRoleString(UcsschoolRoleStringError): pass
role_pupil = "pupil" # attention: there is also "role_student" role_teacher = "teacher" role_staff = "staff" supported_roles = (role_pupil, role_teacher, role_staff) # note: pupil SHOULD come first here for checks role_computer_room = "computer_room" role_dc_backup = "dc_backup" role_dc_master = "dc_master" role_dc_slave = "dc_slave" role_dc_slave_admin = "dc_slave_admin" role_dc_slave_edu = "dc_slave_edu" role_teacher_computer = "teacher_computer" role_win_computer = "win_computer" role_mac_computer = "mac_computer" role_ip_computer = "ip_computer" role_linux_computer = "linux_computer" role_ubuntu_computer = "ubuntu_computer" role_exam_user = "exam_user" role_marketplace_share = "marketplace_share" role_memberserver = "memberserver" role_memberserver_admin = "memberserver_admin" role_memberserver_edu = "memberserver_edu" role_school = "school" role_school_admin = "school_admin" role_school_admin_group = "school_admin_group" role_school_domain_group = "school_domain_group" role_school_teacher_group = "school_teacher_group" role_school_staff_group = "school_staff_group" role_school_student_group = "school_student_group" role_school_class = "school_class" role_school_class_share = "school_class_share" role_single_master = "single_master" role_student = "student" # attention: there is also "role_pupil" role_workgroup = "workgroup" role_workgroup_share = "workgroup_share" role_computer_room_backend_veyon = "veyon-backend" all_roles = ( role_pupil, role_teacher, role_staff, role_computer_room, role_dc_backup, role_dc_master, role_dc_slave, role_dc_slave_admin, role_dc_slave_edu, role_exam_user, role_marketplace_share, role_memberserver, role_memberserver_admin, role_memberserver_edu, role_school, role_school_admin, role_school_admin_group, role_school_class, role_school_class_share, role_single_master, role_student, role_workgroup, role_workgroup_share, role_school_domain_group, role_school_teacher_group, role_school_staff_group, role_school_student_group, role_ip_computer, role_linux_computer, role_mac_computer, role_ubuntu_computer, role_win_computer, role_teacher_computer, role_computer_room_backend_veyon, ) context_type_school = "school" context_type_exam = "exam" all_context_types = (context_type_school, context_type_exam)
[docs]def create_ucsschool_role_string( role, context, context_type="school", school="" ): # type: (str, str, Optional[str], Optional[str]) -> str """ This function takes a role, a context_type and a context to create a valid ucsschoolRole string. :param role: The role :param context: The context :param context_type: The context type :param school: Old variable name for context. DEPRECATED! TODO: Should be removed in 4.4v5 :return: The valid ucsschoolRole string """ if role not in all_roles: raise UnknownRole("Unknown role {!r}.".format(role)) if school: context = school return "{}:{}:{}".format(role, context_type, context)
[docs]def get_role_info(ucsschool_role_string): # type: (str) -> Tuple[str, str, str] """ This function separates the individual elements of an ucsschool role string. Raises InvalidUcsschoolRoleString if the string provided is no valid role string. Raises UnknownRole if the role is unknown. Raises UnknownContextType if the context type is unknown. :param ucsschool_role_string: The role string to separate :return: (role, context_type, context) """ try: role, context_type, context = ucsschool_role_string.split(":") except ValueError: raise InvalidUcsschoolRoleString( "Invalid UCS@school role string: {!r}.".format(ucsschool_role_string) ) if role not in all_roles: raise UnknownRole( "The role string {!r} includes the unknown role {!r}.".format(ucsschool_role_string, role) ) if context_type not in all_context_types: raise UnknownContextType( "The role string {!r} includes the unknown context type {!r}.".format( ucsschool_role_string, context_type ) ) return role, context_type, context